We finally found time to make it back to Falls Park in Greenville this past visit.

Back in April, on our second trip to Greenville, I finished the Greenville post, saying I couldn’t wait for our next chance to explore.

Well, it took a few more visits to Greenville to finally find the time, but we finally made our way back to Falls Park to explore more, and it was well worth the time.

We walked along a similar path as we did our last visit, making sure we grabbed an updated selfie on Liberty Bridge.

One of my favorite things about HG is how attentive he is. He will watch and study something, and he was no different this time around, as he watched the water from the bridge. You can even see in the photo with Jenna below. He barely took his eyes off the falls once he saw them.

After the bridge, we followed the sidewalk that ran parallel with the water as we walked under a few overpasses. (Remember, this park and falls is in the middle of the city of Greenville!)

After chatting up a few geese, we found ourselves at the Children’s Garden, which was nestled under another overpass, and has to be awesome during the spring and summer!

Prior to walking upon it, we did not know this place existed. This Hidden Children’s Garden at Linky Stone Park.

The Garden itself is laid out as if you’re walking through the pages of a fairy tale storybook. There was a white picket fence with Peter Rabbit on it, a rainbow of flowers, a Gingerbread house, and a legit Secret Garden. The photos below do not do it justice, so I suspect we’ll be making yet another visit to Falls Park, along with the Children’s Garden, once the weather warms up in the coming months.

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