Well, surprise, surprise! Remember how I said last week we were still a few weeks away from the tenotomy procedure? Whelp, I was wrong! I mean, I wasn’t wrong wrong, I have the card that had today’s appointment along with next week’s appointment. It’s just, once Dr. Hyer saw HG today, she decided he was responding so well to the serial casting, to just get going with the next phase.

So, it was unplanned, but here we are!

Little man already has his Achilles tenotomy surgery in the bag.

So HG will now sport gamma green casts for the next 3 weeks as his cut Achilles tendon beings to heel. This procedure hopefully leads to having the ability to flex his feet upward! Crazy talk!

What’s even crazier talk, is that we’re still 10 days out from what would have been our original Greenville appointment. So thankful for Dr. Hyer taking the time to look at his chart when she did, and taking to time to call and see if we could travel to get him in earlier.

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