The New Sleep Setup

It’s fair to say that we were a little nervous going into our first follow-up appointment to Greenville Shriners Hospital, after receiving the AFOs 5 weeks ago.
Thankfully, Dr. Hyer said HG’s feet look great, with no sign of regression! We also found out that our growing boy is close to 16lbs (which definitely surprised us) and needed to be measured for new AFOs which we will pick up in four weeks!
We are so thankful for the Greenville team because they are always open to discussing our ideas and devising treatment options accordingly. There will always be a battle against regression and tightening, particularly after growth spurts. We decided to try out the Dobbs bar to help keep his feet in a neutral/resting position while he sleeps, along with knee immobilizers to help continue to straighten HG’s legs, as our baby boy likes to tuck in his legs if given the chance. These new additions join the already established wrist splints he wears at night, along with his AFOs that he will continue to wear throughout the day and night.
He tolerated them very well on his first night at home. Hopefully, he continues to do so, as he continues to improve. (It would be completely ok with this Dad if he slowed down on growing JUST a tiny bit though!)
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