We may have a lot on our plate in the coming days with HG’s surgery, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t time for at least a little Halloween fun!
Now, I’ll admit that we didn’t go all out this year like we would have wanted. Jenna and I love Halloween. We at one point had thoughts of doing a whole thing where we dressed up with HG. With surgery looming, our minds just weren’t into it, I fully admit. Plus, to play it safe, we decided to not actually go trick-or-treating before leaving town.
That doesn’t mean a certain little sir didn’t avoid dressing up a few times and going to see family and have photos taken!
The Bat
Hoggs Therapy was having costume days this week leading up to Halloween, so of course, HG had to partake in said festivities. First off was a quick turn as a bat. An appropriate kickoff to Halloween week!

The Fox
With going to Hoggs Therapy multiple days a week, that meant multiple days of dressing up! Would have been a total faux pas to dress up only 1 day or to try to pull off the same outfit two visits in a row, so our next animal look turned out to be a fox! Such a look deserved a few photos with what was the first toy I ever bought HG, which I think I grabbed just after we learned he was a boy.
The Sloth
Finally, the full Halloween costume. I will not admit how long we debated on what HG could be for Halloween. I’m also not admitting how many things we had “settled” on, only to change our minds. What I WILL admit is that I grabbed this on a whim, mostly just to ensure we DID have a costume for Halloween. When I first bought it, I didn’t intend on it being THE costume. But once we had it in hand and saw it on him, along with considering Slothy is his tag-along in his car seat to help stabilize his head, I had made the obvious choice. I mean, a sloth was pretty much chosen as his spirit animal by his aunt Katie.