See the Ability, Not the Disability
Our local hospital, Rockcastle Regional, held a new event today. One I’m hoping can grow and become a yearly event; The Ability Walk. We had a great (but very hot) time. This was one of the first times we’ve been out locally in public with HG. I’m happy we did. Not only did we get to show off our new AMC Awareness shirts, but HG’s older siblings could get a glimpse at the community and people around that know of HG and that do and will continue to support him. So thankful for a community that supports and celebrates all our special kiddos.
A little more information on the Ability Walk from the Rockcastle Regional Facebook page:
Rockcastle Regional is looking forward to celebrating people of all walks of life and their abilities, and learning about any barriers our VIP children or adults may have, as well as teaching other adults and children about these barriers and how they can interact and be friends with everyone!Your VIP child or adult will participate in crossing the finish line by wheelchair, being held, walking, running, or any way they’d like! Come play some games, get involved in some sensory activities, face painting, tie dye, and even order dinner from some food trucks! All our activities are geared towards our VIP participants’ interests and abilities – so please join us so we can learn and see the abilities, not the disabilities! All proceeds from the Ability Walk will benefit Rockcastle Regional’s Miracle Fund to purchase equipment for children!
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