Another visit to Shriners Hospital in Greenville, SC has come and gone.

In terms of follow-ups, this one proved to be a rather mundane visit on the HG scale.

We started off with a quick visit over to POPS (Pediatric Orthotic and Prosthetic Services) and with Mr. Phil to pick up new AFOs, which were sorely needed, as someone had all but grown out of his first set.

After that, a short checkup with Dr. Hyer, and we were done for the day. The big surprise of the day came when we found out we wouldn’t need a return visit for 3 months!

After four months of having Shriners visits on the calendar, it is going to be a little strange to not be heading to Greenville until October.

Dr. Hyer complimented us on our continued effort, and how well HG’s feet were looking. They always ask and always seem surprised to learn that we keep HG’s AFOs on upwards of 23 out of 24 hours a day (which is suggested), but we’re diligent. She remained impressed with his continued progress and improvements. She all but dismissed us, needing to do anything related to his scoliosis/spine in the immediate future, as we asked about that. So in terms of Shriners, we just keep on keeping on for the next few months. After that, we start looking towards HG’s hip surgery and start preparing for that towards the end of the year.

So I guess our trophy wall won’t be getting any new updates for the foreseeable future. Once I find where to place HG’s old AFOs, we’re stationary for a short time. This is honestly really weird considering how hard and heavy it felt like we were going for the past four months.

A 3-Month Reprieve?!

That’s another thing. Four months. We don’t go back to Greenville until October. HG will be 7 (!!) months once we go back. He’ll be on the back end of his swallow test, hopefully enjoying cereals and more solid foods. He’ll no doubt have some teeth going, plus a fuller head of hair at the rate this hair is growing.

He’s going to be a completely different kid. He’ll be nearly double the age he is now.

It’s crazy to fathom in ways if I’m being honest.

I know I repeat this a lot, but in no conceivable way did I ever even imagine that we’d be where we are right now. And now to be on the cusp of planning out his hip surgery in anticipation of wanting to walk down the line? I just never let myself see us at this point. Being here is just crazy to me.

It’s not only hard for me to wrap my mind around it but in some ways, it’s hard to accept.

It’s hard to accept because it feels like if I accept, I’m getting ahead of myself.

We’ve made incredible, unimaginable strides in these short four months. Yet they’re only a drop in the bucket for what is on the horizon and beyond.

So here’s to a 3-month reprieve from Shriners visits, to be filled with OT, PT, massages, birthday parties, soccer games, and anything and everything else we can squeeze in there!

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